Do you ever feel like you could accomplish anything in the world if you just had more time? Maybe it’s that book you’ve been wanting to read, or a daily workout you just haven’t been able to fit into your day. Whether it’s something you’ve lost along the way, or something new you’d like to start, an extra 30 minutes is just the right amount of time to get it done. Starting this week, join us for a 30 Days of 30 Extra Minutes Challenge!
Research shows that the best time to complete important tasks is early in the morning. In the morning, you are more creative, more mindful, and generally more productive. But it can be difficult to get up early in the morning, especially if staying up late is the only way you can get your “me time” in. In order to experience the benefits of being an early bird, let’s explore a few ways you can prepare your body for the change.
Stay Hydrated
Your body needs to be well hydrated for restorative sleep. For the best sleep at night, make sure you’ve kept up with your water intake throughout the day. This can be challenging, but it is best to have a steady intake of water rather than trying to cram it in at the end of the day. No one wants to be up all night using the bathroom! The difference you will feel after a night of solid, restorative sleep will give you the energy to wake up early.
Fun in the Sun
Fresh air and bright light can help to regulate the sleep/wake cycle. Especially if you spend a lot of time indoors throughout the day in artificial light, getting outside in the evenings while it is still light out can really improve your circadian rhythm. Making a habit of getting bright natural light, preferably in the early morning can help you start to feel sleepy when it is dark out, and more alert and awake as the sun comes up.
Time it Out
The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. It isn’t always easy to simply fall asleep at night, but if your goal is to set your alarm for 5 am, you can set yourself up for success by making sure you’re hitting the pillow by 9 or 10 pm the night before. Whatever your goals are, just count backwards to make sure you’ve at least given yourself the opportunity for the proper amount of sleep.
It isn’t easy to uproot your schedule or change your habits, but if an extra 30 minutes per day sounds like something you’d benefit from, join us in this challenge! Whether it’s 30 minutes of exercise, meditation, planning your day, or making yourself a healthy breakfast, a few simple shifts can create a nice time block in the morning to help you start your day the right way!